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My Story and why I love this...It's an original.  It's ME.

Doug E. Fresh with the Rhythm Method

​​It's the exhibitionist, the performer, the musician in me that compelled me to create ChArmed.  During the late 70’s, through the 80’s and the early 90’s, music was my life and I was lucky enough to experience the New York City club scene in its heyday. It was all glory and excitement – both rock and disco – and to participate in it with some level of success and recognition was a thrill! Performing the September 1987 Billboard Pick Hit around Manhattan, I was always in search of the outfit that would put me over the top. A New York fashion backdrop lent itself to experimentation, but I could not find what I had in my head. What I had in my head was ChArmed.

I’m a Brooklyn girl – born, raised and proud of it. My upbringing was very modest, but I ran with a very interesting and colorful crowd, some of whom became very successful in their chosen arts. I graduated with a BBA from Baruch College-positively invaluable and put to use every day in the most unexpected ways. I worked in a professional setting for 21 years in Manhattan and within those years, I raised a wonderful family, yet was still haunted by design ideas. The Zeitgeist called; it was time to create my line of ChArmed wear and have the rest of the world catch up. I wear my creations during my shows with my current band, The Rhythm Method, and everywhere else I go on an average day from the gym or to go shopping, to a girls' night out or a cozy night in. The response to my designs in a word, has been astounding!  From Rock Stars to Pop Stars, the bold & brazen, the soft & sweet, the young & mature, sports lovers & team players - have all embraced ChArmed​.

So, c’mon…let’s go! Time to get the world ChArmed. Oh, and watch out for ChArmed... and Dangerous! It’s my next endeavor and coming soon. I have big plans for expansion in various markets. You’ll find me where you least expect it. Keep your eyes on ChArmed; it will be a force to be reckoned with.





















JWOW Got Ch-Armed

Lita Ford Got Ch-Armed

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